Water Bottle Filling Stations

We are delighted to announce the installation of two new water bottle filling stations outside the main office. Additionally, we have received four tankless reverse osmosis water filling stations for our elementary classrooms, along with reusable water bottles for the students. All of this was made possible through a grant from the Ohio EPA, sponsorship from Jim The Plumber, and generous donations to the CMA Annual Fund from our families.

I also want to extend our gratitude to Keith Bednarczuk (Great Grandpa to Rae & Rowan) and Mark Traxler (UE Teacher) for their invaluable assistance. They replaced Terri’s faucet, installed the tankless reverse osmosis water filling stations in our elementary classrooms, performed drywalling, patching, and painting, and meticulously reassembled everything. Mark dedicated over 20 hours this weekend, volunteering his time to ensure everything was ready for the kids on Monday morning. We are truly fortunate to have such dedicated staff, parents, and grandparents who continually go above and beyond to support CMA!

Bamboo-Lid Water Bottles We were able to purchase Bamboo-Lid Water Bottles for every child at the school, featuring the slogan ‘Make every day Earth Day at Central Montessori Academy,’ as part of an education campaign for the grant. Eliminating single-use plastic water bottles can have a significant positive impact on our environment. By using reusable bottles, we can reduce plastic waste, minimize pollution in our oceans and landfills, and protect wildlife habitats. When the water bottles come home with your kids tonight, please take a moment to talk to them about the importance of sustainability and how each of us can make a difference for the planet we all call home.